jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
May 11, 2022
8 min read

Some Exciting updates

Some Exciting updates

I won't be writing as much the next few days. I have to pull a couple of shifts at the hospital and then I am leaving with my Bride for an anniversary trip to the beach. I have visions of relaxing on the condo balcony, listening to the waves, feeling the ocean breeze, and writing stories. This may occur, but I have to be honest with you. Beach, no kids, and the sexiest woman alive? I am likely going to be quite unable to pull myself away. We shall see.

The Stacks Community is incredible

Its true. I got that sense shortly after checking it out for myself. There are wonderful people here. The best community of individuals, builders, and Giga brains I have ever seen. Some very big dogs in this community like the idea of having an NFT auction and using the proceeds to help people in need. I put the call out in the community and immediately heard from Jamil.btc.....the founder of https://gamma.io/ ..... WHAT?!? So yeah, this is the real deal. All I have in terms of details right now is the following:

https://twitter.com/satoshipunkclub This is the team that made the NFT that I have chosen to be my pfp. They are releasing a new collection, and airdropping current holders. The concept is cool, I want to have them on to further discuss their project and goals. I am going to donate my air dropped NFT to the charity auction. I will also be donating another piece from my collection. I have some ideas, but I am not certain. It is pretty much down to 2 options at this point. The important part is that 100% of the proceeds from those sales will go to the charity. Those are the only details for now, but this ball is rolling and gaining momentum. God is good.

Guest Post

I have a couple of people I have talked with about contributing some content for this platform. These particular contributors have diverse backgrounds, but somewhat complimentary. One is a medical doctor, and the other a faImous ass kicker of renown.....seriously...UFC fighter/coach. Essentially one of this guys is an expert at ass kicking, and the other ass saving. I am very much looking forward to this, and I am very thankful for their time and consideration. If you have something to say, let me know.

I am currently in discussion with several teams regarding using this platform as a means to spread the word about their passion/goals. As of right now I can confirm that https://twitter.com/TheopetraLabs and https://twitter.com/TRUBIT_TECH are on board. This is exciting for an old crypto ape like myself. Since entering this space I have had my gaze fixed towards the time when blockchain technology could have real world use. Both of these teams are currently working on projects that have just that. You do realize what this means, right anon? Humor me for a second:

  • Bear market means it is time to build without distractions, this is wonderful for projects that actually are going to have real world utility.

  • If you are in Stacks, you are early. I used to worry that I was too late to crypto, in 2017. The truth is that it increasingly appears that if you are in this space now, you are in fact early. Especially if you consider the prices right now.

  • If you believe, like me, that there is a better way of doing things. That old systems are broken, and that people should have more control....more say....that power and influence is best distributed more evenly across humanity. Then be glad, because we are in the beginning stages of something akin to the Industrial Revolution

But I digress. Great things are in the works, and I am here for this.

That said, I don't have much else to cover at the moment. If you enjoy this content, help me get the word out. A like and retweet on twitter means more to me than you realize. Until next time, Jack.

The NFT featured today is #98 from the Mars Woman Collection.

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