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May 04, 2022
8 min read

Red Pill, Blue Pill, Black Pill, White Pill

Red Pill, Blue Pill, Black Pill, White Pill

How old were you when you first realized that adults were fallible? At some point in your childhood you thought there existed at least one adult that knew everything. The moment that illusion was shattered was your first "Red Pill". This was your first clue that perhaps you didn't know what you thought you knew. So while the concept can often be associated with "wrong think" by those of us who remain thoroughly blue pilled, it really isn't. A red pill is just a metaphor for swallowing a little piece of reality.

Reality can be a pretty unpopular concept, I don't think anyone likes every aspect of reality, I think this rebellion against reality ultimately is a core part of human nature. We can usually avoid reality for a period of time before we run into any consequences, which makes things even more difficult. On a large scale it seems like we have avoided reality far too long and now its time for a bit of pain. Before we go too far into this and try to solve the world's problems, lets look at some of the Red Pills I had to swallow. That will be the theme of this series of post.


Before I go any further I would be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to say that I am standing on the shoulder of giants right now. Meaning that in the early 2000's there was an obscure part of the internet that was dedicated to dispensing Red Pills to young men. It was dubbed the "Manosphere", perhaps you have heard of it? To the uninitiated you likely think this space was a bunch of misogynist and PUA types all gathered together hating women and trying to think of ways to fool them. Perhaps you have visions of thread after thread of MGTOW (men going their own way) posting about how women are the devil. Sure, those people existed under that umbrella, but in reality this was a fraction of the content being put out there. Much of the manosphere was dedicated to self improvement, and lots of dudes just trying to sort out the ultimate puzzle for a young man: Women. Some of these OGs have been essentially scrubbed from the internet, especially the accounts who delved into other sorts of Red Pills. Names like Chateau Heartiste, Rollo Tomassi, Mike Cernovich, Aaron Clarey, and Roosh. There were accounts strictly dedicated to men's self improvement, and there were accounts such as Quintus Curtius dedicated to essentially providing young men with a classical education based on the philosophy of great men from Eastern and Western antiquity. I found myself there because I was in a bad marriage, and was searching for any possible solution to save it. Before we get into any of this, lets go back a bit further in time to one of Jack's first Red Pills.

It was a Friday high school football game. Young Jack was a freshman in high school, and no more interested in the game on the field than a Buddhist monk. Much like the monk however, celibacy was on the mind. Unlike the monk, my concern was with shedding my celibacy the most expedient way possible. Much to my delight a girl who I recognized from one of my classes just kind of attached herself to me for the night and stayed with our group. While nothing physical happened that night, I just knew that she was going to be my girlfriend. Lets call this girl Michelle.

I spent the rest of the weekend telling my friends about Michelle, and anxiously awaiting the moment in class that we would see each other and get this show on the road. In reality when I did see her in class Monday morning, she was much more nonchalant than I had anticipated after our night of (perceived only by one of us) sexual tension. What made it worse is by the following Friday she had already found herself a boyfriend, and what made it even worse than that is he was 16 and could drive! How could I compete with that? My primary method of conveyance at that stage in my life was a BMX bike. Long story short, Michelle and her boyfriend (lets call him Jake) stayed together until Michelle and I were almost completely finished with high school.

My fourteen year old heart was crushed, how could it not be? We seemingly had such a nice time, and I just knew that she was going to be the one. The simple fact is that I was a kid without a clue regarding male and female sexual dynamics. In my mind things should have gone a certain way, but they didn't, and that messed with me. This subject matter goes far beyond dating, far beyond the trials and tribulations of teenagers, and is connected to the absolute gold that the internet was churning out before massive censorship became the order of the day. We will start delving into some of the lessons learned from this experience in the next post in this series.

I hope you enjoyed the content, and the art. NFT 1 is from the Mars Woman collection on Stacks, and the second is from the Oriental Beauty collection also on Stacks. Would love to hear from you @jackbinswitch on Twitter. Until next time.

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