jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
August 09, 2022
8 min read

Search for Truth

Search for Truth

Between a heavy work week, a case of bronchitis, and an immense amount of negativity on my TL; I just haven't had much left in me to write anything. This is one of the reasons I make an effort to be positive in here and on social media; negativity just sucks the life right out of you. We find ourselves in spiritual battles, and whether you believe that or not; we can at least agree that reveling in negativity takes a physical toll. This is readily understood and easily measurable with some simple bloodwork. Speaking of religion:

Bitcoin Maxi's are modern day religious zealots

This has been part of the negativity, (the other being the obvious shift towards tyranny underway in the US) - side tangent: I don't care what your politics is, fact is that we know that governments seek increasing amounts of power over time. This is why our Constitution was written in the manner that it was. I was going to talk some about what happened with the raid of Donald Trump, but Arbitrage Andy said all that needed to be said. I would strongly encourage reading his well thought out piece on this.

Anyway back to the Maxipads. These people suck. This isn't a piece designed to enlighten them (this is a fools errand. I know, because I am such a fool), this is a piece designed to bring attention to one of the most dangerous forces of human nature: fanaticism.

The TLDR is that one of these Maxipads went after Stacks (and all other "alt" coins) pretty hard, and in the process got schooled by dudes who are vastly more informed and intelligent. The comments in the thread were telling, these people possess a religious zeal that would rival anything found in human history. They are not searching for the truth, they are worshipping their own identity (which is original sin btw).

If you are here reading this, odds are you already know why Bitcoin is important. If you need a primer you can start here.

Bitcoin is nothing short of brilliant. It is the most powerful, earthly means we have to peacefully free people from the bondage of corrupt governments and central banking cartels. The Maxipads profess to understand this, yet it is obvious that they do not. Granted, not every Bitcoin Maximalist falls into this catagory (Saifedean comes to mind, he gets the "why" of Bitcoin...and I have learned much from him), but enough do to spoil the term (this is why I am introducing Maxipad into the vernacular). The point is that we see the truth of Bitcoin clearly, yet these identity obsessed fanatics - many bereft of any original thought - makes others cast a jaundiced eye at the lot of them. Perhaps you see where I am going with this.

How often have you heard this

______________ belief system is responsible for ______________atrocities. I used to spend an inordinate amount of time debating internet atheist during the "New Atheist" period. This is when Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennett, and Harris all wrote their books discussing their lack of belief in God. Some of their readers then believed that as a result they had become personally brilliant, and would frequently post drivel on the internet. So I have seen this style of argument used against my faith countless times. On a more personal note, I drank the Koolaid after 9/11, and thought that Muslims were evil. I have repented of this, and as such am not proud of my own brainwashing at the time. The point is that any belief/ideology can lead to fanaticism, and that corrupt people can use this fanaticism in their own quest for worldly gain.

You can look at modern political discourse to see this in action today. There is no logic in these people. Look at the COVID lockdowns, and how fanatical some people became. It was the height of absurdity, and wildly destructive. As you can see here, religious style fanaticism doesn't have to contain what we think of as organized religion at all. Spiritual Faith is a deeply personal relationship, and it does not require anyone else to believe as you do.

Often in my internet apologetics (for me a vain pursuit that I have also repented of) I would see people write something to the effect of "Jesus seemed like a good man, but his followers are horrible". This sentiment was most famously echoed by Mahatma Gandhi when he said "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ". It is as obvious to me that the Truth of Jesus is no less tarnished by fanatics than the truth of Bitcoin is tarnished by Maxipads.

The fact is that every atrocity committed in the name of whatever cause is done so in the same spirit. The people who burned witches were operating in the same spirit as the people who wanted to take children away from their unvaccinated parents. This is the point that I want to drive home with this piece. Whether you believe as I do that this is part of man's spiritual imperfection after the introduction of sin into this world, or you rely on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to discern the pathology at work isn't important. The important part is to recognize this phenomena, honestly discuss it, and figure out what to do about it. We don't have much time to accomplish this, if you don't think that this spirit of fanaticism doesn't wish to have many of us locked in prisons or worse...you are wrong.

This isn't a fun thing for me to write about, but it is clear to me that due to my own feelings of despair in this moment are not conducive to having much fun in the moment. For Jack, my remedy will be one of prayer, and I will be in top shape before you know it. I encourage you, dear reader, to diligently pursue truth. Embrace the beauty within the world, for there is much, and try really hard to love one another.

To end this on a good note, I don't believe all hope is lost. On the contrary I believe that we are on the verge of a Golden Age of Humanity. People are slowly waking up to the truth. I have no doubt that if the war criminals George Bush and Dick Cheney tried to get public support to invade Afghanistan today they would be regarded with the same contempt that many of us feel for our current crop of world leaders. We have to facilitate the spread of truth, and that means having some uncomfortable conversations. The time for going with the flow is over. While the fanatics and their leaders are ultimately responsible for atrocities, those of us who go with the flow are also guilty of our own cowardice. That's my take anyway. I don't know if you have enjoyed reading this, but thanks for doing so anyway. Until next time, Jack.

*The easiest way to DCA your Stacks here

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