jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
July 18, 2022
8 min read



Recent events have me thinking a lot about courage. I think the one that sticks out the most is the complete lack of courage by some Texas cops recently. Then we hear about a 22 year old kid display a set of balls that would make a Founding Father blush. I am not going to take you down any philosophical paths here, go follow a man like Quintus Curtius for that. He is much more learned, and a far better writer than I. I am going to focus on my personal knowledge and experiences.

I am not going to get political here. If while reading this you get this impression, maybe its time to step back and re-evaluate your frame of mind. You can discuss any topic without injecting politics into it, and there is no reason why every topic should not be fair game. Extraordinarily wealthy people have a vested interest in preventing constructive conversation in our society, (this is so far out of the realm of conspiracy theory at this point it isn't even debatable). With that in mind know that I am not trying to offend political sensibilities.

I would also like to add that I remember September 11th 2001 more vividly than I remember most things I see on tv. I drank all the Kool-aid. I was full of hate, vengeance, and fear. The strongest of these emotions is by far fear, it is often the originator of atrocity. Thankfully I started getting red pilled, and the rest they say is history. I say this to remind you fellow red pillers that the events of these last few years have many people thinking. The most I have ever seen in my lifetime. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

A big part of why things seem so hopeless right now is because of fear. Not just the hypochondriacs who don't check their mail without full PPE, I am also talking about regular people who are afraid to say what they think. That isn't to say that their fear is baseless, while we slept it has become common to have someone fired for something they said once. Being afraid for your livelihood is sensible, and I relate as an unvaccinated healthcare worker.

The problem is one of control. When you allow fear into your life you have now allowed this negativity to exert a degree of control within your life. It will change your thoughts and behavior. Look around.

Courage is the antidote to fear

Courage is just action in the presence of fear. Courage is standing up for what you believe in. Courage is being true to yourself despite fear of being ostracized. Courage is putting your life in danger in the service of others. The question begs is how does one obtain courage?

Service to a cause larger than yourself would be my answer to this question. Your family, your community, your friends, your lands. For me the source of my courage is my faith. Like any other spiritual concept it can be difficult to describe, but I will try to sum it up. When I decided to repent and ask God for forgiveness through Jesus Christ, this was a small act of faith. As the years have gone on I have found myself in many precarious situations and eventually deciding to exercise another act of faith. At first this was hard for me to do, as I have grown older I have learned many lessons from this. Now I just see the world a bit differently, to simplify it would be a series of blessings and challenges. I try to be thankful for the blessings, and faithful for the challenges. The more faithful I am the more thankful I wind up becoming. So this is why fear does not have a foothold in my life. When I find fear creeping in, I ask God for courage and wisdom, then I find myself lacking fear. This works for me.

We all start somewhere, and the good news is that hard times will breed more courageous people. We can see that happening in real time, even if it is a painfully slow process. In the meantime I watch the regime get weaker by the day. Truth, Life, Love, Faith, Hope, Joy, Justice, Mercy, all of these concepts are real things. They make up a fabric of our reality that is just as real as fear is. Darkness is never going to be more powerful than the light. At this point I find myself mostly amused by the media programming that comes across my TL.

Be kind to your neighbors, get involved in doing things that are solution oriented. We will get through this. If you are having a tough time, reach out, I can at least listen. I don't have anything else to say right now. Until next time, Jack.

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