jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
July 12, 2022
8 min read

Why Sigle?

Why Sigle?

This is my 49th entry for my blog. I have not decided on a topic for 50, but I will ask the community to get their ideas. For me, I have a list of topics that I want to write about, but 50 seems special and I definitely want to hear from the community on this. That said, for number 49? Why Sigle makes really good sense to me. I am not going to do a deep dive into why I think that the team is awesome, you need to DYOR, so I would advise checking out their Discord and Twitter to start.

May 3, 2022

I published my first piece on the blog. It was simply titled "The Beginning". Despite being someone who had read an untold number of blogs during their Web 2 heyday, this was my very first time writing a blog entry. Why did it take so long? One of the reasons is because back then the software used to create blogs wasn't the most user friendly way to go about it if you aren't a technical kind of guy. Another reason was that if I wanted to monetize such an endeavor, the most reliable thing to do would be an affiliate marketing program. That just wasn't for me honestly. I had a young family, and several pressing matters to focus my attention on. So I would continue to read, do a bit of writing here and there, and had largely forgotten about the idea of starting my own blog.

Sigle made it easy

The app is extraordinarily user friendly. Look, I am not a complete luddite. I have spent the last 5 years of my life degening in the shadiest exchanges and then the darkest corners of Defi....just don't ask me to build a website ok. The tools provided by Sigle are made with me in mind, and as much as it pains me to say this despite my love of crypto. They made this....normie friendly....(ngl that was a bit painful, lets move on).

As for monetization, they have made that easy too. Creators on the Sigle app will be able to earn Bitcoin once the app is fully realized. I love Bitcoin, and I really love the idea of earning Bitcoin. I even asked my employer if I could get paid in Bitcoin, (most people don't know the first thing about Bitcoin, much less Stacks, much less Sigle.....you are early). The trader in me loves the Sigle Explorer Guild NFTs. Lets talk in 5 years and see how my plan for monetization has gone. I am feeling quite good about it.

Ease of use, fantastic concept, being a part of a project that used NFTs to bankroll itself? These are all meaningful things for me. A man needs a mission (fodder for a future post), and part of my mission these days is to combine my passions into a productive cause that will allow me to live my life the way that I want to.


I could go on and say how fun it has been to buy Sigle Explorers at a deep discount during this bear market, but the opportunities that I am talking about have gone far beyond trading in this case. When I sat down to write that first blog, I had at best an outline of what I wanted to do. It did not take long to start getting feedback from a few readers, and seeing as though part of my mission is mentorship, the feedback only led to more drive to continue what I had started. If you don't know what to write about yet, my only advice is to write about what you love. This piece may help inspire you, check it out.

It didn't take long for my writing to start opening up opportunities within the Stacks ecosystem. Thus far I have been able to interview and feature some amazing developers/artist in this space. I have a new collaboration that I will be working on with some amazing young men, a more crypto focused publication for the Stacks/Ethereum communities. My personal belief as someone who has paid more for ETH gas than I care to think about is that the people in other communities need to learn what we are doing over here in Stacks. This will help that cause, of this I am certain.

Community building

I am watching the concept of Web 3 form into a more coherent concept for me in real time. Being involved in this journey has allowed me to better conceptualize the future of the internet. Part of that future is bringing likeminded people together in alignment with a greater goal in mind. My work has allowed me to reach people outside of the Stacks community, people who never took time to learn about Bitcoin or crypto in general. This has also been very rewarding, and will continue to be a focus of mine going forward.

If it wasn't for Sigle, none of this would have happened. That, dear reader is the 'why' for Sigle.

What's next?

I am just getting started, 49 articles in and the only impediment I have is time. I am going to keep working on my mission, this is the most aligned my passion and work ethic has been in a long time. I will bring you more interviews, more info about the projects I like, and I will continue to try to help young men avoid some of the traps and pitfalls that I have experienced in my own journey into manhood.

Once I reach 1,000 total visitors I will be giving away one of my Explorers to one of my followers on Twitter . I also have an additional Explorer set aside for someone who wants to make content with Sigle, but might not be able to swing the cost of an Explorer.

The team just pushed out an amazing update today, and I could not think of a better way to celebrate than with writing this as my 49th entry.

Thank you so much for reading, I cannot adequately express to you how much that means to me. I didn't know if anyone would like what I had to say, I just knew that I had to say it. So sincerely, from the bottom of this old beat up heart. Thank you. I don't have anything else to say for now, until next time. Jack.

*The easiest way to DCA your Stacks here

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