jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
May 07, 2022
8 min read



This is the second installment in the series: Red Pill, Blue Pill, Black Pill, White Pill. The first in the series can be found here https://app.sigle.io/stories/3hQSdTHlRuBqM_FrwLZVS

The Why

Why did Michelle go out of her way to spend time with me Friday at the football game and then proceed to ignore me? Why as we were nearing the end of our Senior year did she show interest in me again? You didn't miss anything, I hadn't covered that part. The simple answer is that I had likely shown too much interest, while a boy who had more value (older, had a car, etc) had a better hand (to use a poker analogy) and won her interest. Why do women suddenly show an interest in you after you have a girlfriend? This is a universal male experience. The reasons are legion, and a man could dedicate a sizable portion of his professional life writing about this topic. Some do. The fact that many men give up, or settle with a poor choice in mate can be considered reasonable. In my estimation this is a bad decision, albeit an understandable one. The simple fact is that women are fascinating, emotionally complex beings. They have their own biological imperatives, social mores, and guess what? Most of them are just as clueless about us as we are about them. In our modern society where we can physically survive without depending on the opposite sex, it is no wonder why there are so many romantically unfulfilled humans mucking about.

Why Bother?

Look around you. A cursory glance of any media will quickly inform you about the state of modern dating. It's in shambles. Birth rates in developed countries are, and have been trending down for quite some time. There are lists of reasons why men and women cannot find suitable partners, and again the scope of this subject matter is far too complex for this post or even this series. The reason why we should not give up though can be summed up pretty easily though: You will never, as a man, grow into who you are destined to be without a wife and family. Granted some people are called to a life that precludes romantic entanglement, but this is a statistically insignificant percentage. I know this is not a popular sentiment among any of the sexually frustrated humans we share the planet with, but its factual. Just because we don't like an aspect of reality doesn't mean that reality ceases to exist. The proof is in the abysmal failure of hookup culture, the toxic attitudes of feminist and misogynist, and the multi-billion dollar industry dedicated to helping people find their perfect mate. Men and women need each other.

Before We Go Any Further

I am not going to be talking about the problems with women. Don't get me wrong, there are some extremely damaged goods out there, women with horribly misplaced priorities, and just plain mental illness. If you want to read about that, go for it. That said, I do think that this can quickly devolve into a form of mental masturbation. Not to mention the fact that there is a ton of material on this subject matter as well, some good, most just absolute shit. I want to address things that I think aren't frequently addressed. I want to share my knowledge and experience as a happily married man, with a great family, a sex life that would be envied by most, and how I found myself in this fortunate situation. It wasn't by accident. I had to work hard, and go through a lot of painful lessons to get to this place. My sincere hope is that I can help some young men avoid a good deal of pain and frustration.

Getting girls was never hard for me, remember in the initial post I am speaking of an event that occurred when I was 14 years old. By the time I was 15 I had lost my virginity, and since then I have had my share, and likely your share of casual hookups. I have had several relationships, and 1 failed marriage in my past. I am tall, good looking, I make a good living, and I am surrounded by young single women in my professional life. I only say this to point out that I am happily married by choice, not a dearth of options. There is no righteousness to be found in a man who proclaims how faithful he is to his wife, when in fact no other woman wants to have sex with him. I check all of the boxes, therefore I am speaking from a position of authority on this subject matter. The fact is that I am faithful because I love my wife to a degree that I didn't know was possible. Not having this woman in my life would leave me feeling as though one half of my body had been surgically removed. This is a worthwhile goal, and it is what I hope my own sons will have one day.

In the next installment we will begin with the dispensing of some Red Pills. Thank you for reading as always. The NFT featured in this post is #66 from the Mars Woman collection.

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