jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
November 25, 2022
8 min read

Building the Next Paradigm

Building the Next Paradigm

Its been busy in my neck of the woods. Work, pre-accelerator, side hustle, and still finding time to spend with the family. The combination leaves me both physically and mentally exhausted, so it has been difficult to write. Oddly enough, while watching a movie with my daughter last night, inspiration struck. My longtime readers know my thoughts regarding inspiration, so let us get started.

The Next Paradigm: We Can Build it

We see through the glass darkly, or if you prefer some a non-Biblical metaphor we are looking through a keyhole. We find ourselves on the bleeding edge of a technological revolution that we call Web3, and even the most forward thinking among us only see pieces of what the future will look like. As leaders, builders, and thinkers drive us towards innovation another piece of the future becomes slightly revealed. In this space not only do we stand on the shoulders of giants, but some of us will be the giants of the future.

The temptation to look at the state of the world today and project what it will look like in the future is quite strong. Unfortunately the state of the world is pretty bad by most metrics, and this can lead to many to be quite black pilled about the future.

Thankfully we find ourselves immersed in the technology that fundamentally solves many of the issues that have caused this mess in the first place. Therefore it is our duty to avoid becoming black pilled, and instead become solution oriented. Our cause is noble, and we possess the requisite tools to get things done. Primarily among them, the undisputed king of crypto: Bitcoin.

Web3, The Metaverse, and What it Will Look Like

It is obvious to me that the tools that we have right now, things such as: Bitcoin, smart contracts, NFTs, DAOs, and DeFi make up a significant portion of the foundation of the future. It is equally obvious that the internet will change, and that most people will use it at least as much as they do presently. The Web3 idea is basically that the user will change how they interact with the internet. Essentially that a lot of middlemen will be eliminated in the process, and that what we do on the internet will have even more significance in our future lives than it does here in the present.

The lines between the social and business uses of the internet are already somewhat blurred if you think about it. As it stands now my crypto network is greater than the real life network that I use in my normie career. Not only can we expect this to increase, but it is reasonable to expect that we will have more of our income and net worth be tied to the digital assets of the present and future. This is, after all, why we buy things like tokens and NFTs now. We just happen to be early. As the normie masses of humanity gradually realize that they are being left behind they will begin to swell our ranks. On a micro scale this is currently reflected within the Stacks space. Even in this bear market I watch the value of my NFTs increase as the result of crypto natives learning about Stacks. User adoption is slow, until it is not.

In the years to come when your social activity moves beyond the Web2 paradigm as personified by apps such as Facebook and Twitter, our tools will become even more important. The big companies know it, this is why we are watching their business models trying to adapt in real time. The idea of the Metaverse is not going away, and there is no doubt that much of what we do online will be through digital avatars. The things that we buy for this space will not only have value within the digital space but this value will translate into our real lives as well.

Our Web3 social networks will be heavily influenced by what "clubs" we belong to. Members of DAOs and holders of NFTs are already experiencing the earliest iterations of this in the present. From gaming, commerce, business networks, specialized guilds, the art we appreciate, the music we consume, the movies we watch, and more will all be connected to the crypto applications we already have available.

Our Web3 identities won't need to be our government names, or social security numbers (or their national equivalents). Our digital identities are sufficient, and can remain at the very least pseudonymous. They can be anchored to a secure blockchain, such as .bns names. Our reputations will be easily verifiable thanks to NFT technology, and the majority of our interactions with people outside of the local level will be based on our digital identities.

Bitcoin will be the superior currency fueling all commerce within the digital world, and this will only increase its value. Much like companies, nations recognize this truth and this is one of the reasons they are so anxious to get their CBDCs out there. In my estimation this is the largest threat to the future that exist outside of things like natural disasters and wars.

The Dark Side?

Initially my plan would be to cover this all in one post. That said, the subject matter deserves more words than I like to put in a single blog entry. So be on the lookout for the sequel (this is where you stop and follow me on Sigle and Twitter).

In closing I would implore you to look at the problems that we have today and how they can be solved. With this in mind it highlights the importance to take the opinions of people who look to current day solutions for current day problems with a grain of salt. Politicians, much of the media, pundits, business people, and even Bitcoin maxis who view the present as static haven't just dropped the ball; their ball has already been lost in the clutter of the past and their thinking is flawed, futile, and possibly wrought with bad intention. Our people are future facing who realize that we can build a better future with the tech that we are watching grow before our very eyes.

That is all I have to say for now, thanks for reading as always. Until next time, Jack.

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