jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
May 26, 2022
8 min read

Bear Market Lessons

Bear Market Lessons

Pay attention to the builders

One of the early lessons that I learned in crypto is to differentiate between hype and quality. During my first bear I wound up accidentally buying a lot of quality, only to sell it too soon (largely due to impatience). During bull cycles there is so much hype that quality can really get lost in the noise. So now is the perfect time to do the research and buy the quality. That's my plan anyway.

Stacks, Bitcoin, Lightning, Taro, Hyperchains, oh my

Presumably if you know what all of these words mean then you are ahead of the crowd and likely have some crypto exposure. Making money in the market means being earlier than someone else. How many normies know what STX is? (many ETH guys have no idea), how about Lightning Network? How many normies do you think you would have to run across before you would find someone who knew that term? What about Theopetra, or Trubit Tech? How about Sigle or even Ryder ID. Now let this sink in how early you really are.

I make no secret of my belief in Stacks, just picked some up at $.52 this morning, and the turned around and bought 2 more Sigle Explorers and minted another Satoshi Punk 3D. I had wanted to sweep the floor on Sigle, but I managed to find 2 that I really liked and couldn't pass them up. This is how I do the bear market, I buy at levels I like and then leverage some of that on Bitcoin NFTs that I like. Some NFTs I like strictly for the art, but my favorite have use case and good art. The Sigle explorers are a great example of this.

What about trading?

Honestly, right now I believe the predominant price action for Bitcoin is going to be sideways. I personally do very poorly trading chop, it is a great way for me to lose portfolio value. As I have said before I am operating on the thesis that Stacks is going to be a top five coin in 2-5 years, so trading does not interest me right now. I stay liquid and buy the levels, that's it. How should you play the bear market? I cant tell you, we definitely have different risk tolerance, and only you know your plan (you do have a plan, right anon?)I have thoughts on this in previous installments, go check them out.

Seeing as though this price action gives me some time away from the charts I want to do a deep dive on some projects that I like right now. My primary consideration in this matter has to do with the utility of the project and the quality of the team. I will be featuring the following first:

Another way to look at this list:

  • Team working on making housing more affordable

  • Team working on allowing content creators to publish to Bitcoin, while getting paid in Bitcoin

  • Team working on connecting brands and their customers via NFTs that can be traded for Bitcoin

  • Team working to evolve the social nature of NFTs

This is why I am bullish in a bear. I see the potential, and I also know that I am early. Web3 is coming, and I am already early. I would strongly advise following these teams on twitter, checking out their discords, etc. I am going to be writing about all of them, and this will give you a chance to have some background info.

Weekend market thoughts

Sideways with a chance of a dip. I am not personally thinking that we see any drastic swing in either direction. I just think that Bitcoin is overall too strong too much adoption happening every day. If you aren't following what is going on in the Stacks ecosystem I am sorry to report that you are NGMI. I would love to get another crack at a $.44 entry over the weekend. I am not following ETH too close, to me it looks a bit weaker than Bitcoin on the 3 day chart, but it remains a great metric to measure alt coin health.

Also, be on the lookout for details regarding some Sigle Explorers potentially being given to some young, budding, content creators. Obviously if you want one you should get it now on discount, but for some people they may have a vision but just cant swing the liquidity. This is who I want to find. Anyway, that is it for now. Thanks for reading as always. Until next time, Jack.

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