jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
May 23, 2022
8 min read

This isn't going to be a long one

This isn't going to be a long one

We are seeing a tragedy, I feel for the victims, deeply. I have only had 2 careers, and they both brought me face to face with the worst of humanity. Father, we pray for the innocents and ask for justice.

We must stay focused. The only way out of this mess is through it. I am not interested in pointing fingers, or assigning blame. He who is without sin cast the first stone and all. I am as bad a man as ever was made, I just have grace. Fighting with idiots about the cause is not going to help, trust me, I know. I am speaking from literal years of experience ( as my wife about my alleged stubbornness). We must keep our eyes on the prize, we love crypto, we are in the prime position of changing the world.

Look at this blog? It is on Bitcoin. My great-great-great grandchildren will know things about me that I couldn't dream of knowing about my ancestors. This is the change I am talking about, this is the change that we need. We can stop the cycle of people forgetting how times get hard in the first place. We can provide the means for people to have more autonomy than they ever have experienced by decentralizing the world. We can make governments spend money with complete transparency. Its time. They are losing. Fuck them! This is about our lives, our families, their future.

I don't have anything else to say. I am in a transitional place in my own life. It is a bit of a trial itself, but I embrace it. Lets stare down the face of this uncertain future with a steel resolve. That is all I have to say for now. Until next time, Jack.

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