jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
July 11, 2022
8 min read

Stacks Artist Profile: Longstreet

Stacks Artist Profile: Longstreet

* The featured NFT is "All Skaters Go To Heaven" from Longstreet's Venice Visuals collection

Odds are that if you have spent any time in the Stacks community you have met Longstreet.btc. If you haven't already, I encourage you to click that link to his twitter account and give him a follow. I'll wait.

Followed? ok cool. Let us continue.

If you have followed me for any appreciable amount of time you have undoubtedly read something along the following "The Stacks community is hands down the best community in crypto". This is as true a statement now as it was when I initially wrote it. One of the first people who made me feel welcome within the community is in fact Longstreet. I have never told him this before, so yeah...thanks Bud. Longstreet comes across as a warm, thoughtful, dedicated husband and father. Good people make a good community, and Longstreet is good people. What I learned a bit later is just how immensely talented he is. Let us pause here a second and let Longstreet introduce himself in his own words:

Sean Longstreet is an award-winning educator, photographer, guitarist and composer from Southern California. After completing his bachelors in Music Education & Jazz Guitar from the University of Redlands as well as a Masters in Instrumental Conducting from Sam Houston State University, Longstreet went on to teach instrumental music for the next 15 years, leading numerous schools in expanding and enriching their music programs. During his 6 years teaching with the Los Angeles Unified School District, Sean assembled and grew thriving music programs at three LAUSD schools, received a full program grant from the VH1 Save the Music Foundation, earned his National Board Certification, and received the award for 2018 LAUSD Teacher of the Year Award among a district of over 30,000 educators. Since entering the Web 3 space Longstreet has released a variety of NFTs related to music, photography, and music education. He has written music for Project Indigo, Nonnish Kingdom, Satoshibles, and continues to collaborate with other communities in the Stacks ecosystem.

This information, along with links to his current work can be found here.

My favorite piece is his take on a classic song from a classic movie that I grew up with. This piece was also released just as the crypto market shit the proverbial bed. As a self taught guitar player I could appreciate the complexity of the piece of music he created, and as an appreciator of good humor I couldn't help but love this take on "The Bear Necessities". Be forewarned, upon initially seeing this on crypto twitter I managed to watch it no less than half-a-dozen times, and had this piece of music act as my soundtrack for life for the following 72 hours. To say it is catchy is an understatement, and as I write this know that it is currently playing on repeat in my head.

I am always thinking of ways to bring you all good content, as well as ways to help spread the word about Stacks. Thankfully my only problem with this has to do with a lack of time on my part, and not a scarcity of subject matter. I spend a tremendous amount of time in this space, and I am barely scratching the surface (this is incredibly bullish btw). The concept of the artist profile is just such an idea, as is the 5 questions series. Longstreet was kind enough to allow me carte blanche when I approached him about this feature, and it is my sincere hope that I have done the man and his mission justice.

Sean Longstreet has demonstrated his commitment to his family, his art, his mission, and managed to do this while being a solid man. He is an asset to this community, and just another indication that I (and hopefully you) are in the right place.

I hope you all enjoyed the read, I enjoyed writing it. Until next time, Jack

*The easiest way to DCA your Stacks here

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