jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
December 05, 2022
8 min read

Stacks Feature: Xverse for Your Desktop?

Stacks Feature: Xverse for Your Desktop?

I have been wanting to write about the Xverse mobile wallet for quite some time. I hadn't because it is ubiquitous to the Stacks ecosystem, if you are here, you know about Xverse. Too late to feature one of my favorite applications built on Stacks...or so I thought.

Let me explain:

Today while doing the Twitter/Discord thing I noticed some of the Xverse team talking about something big. Clearly I needed to know what was going on, so I reached out to my friend Kaylee to get the details. Basically she said "Check your email Jack", except in the really cool/thoughtful way that comes so natural to her. Then I saw it:

The Invitation: Xverse is coming to your desktop!

What? How did this fly under my radar? Granted, I have been quite busy, and I belong to like 50 Discords...but still...this is huge. Obviously I jumped on the opportunity to jump in to this early Beta, so let us get to the good stuff!

The Xverse wallet has been my mobile go to for all of my stacking, and afk fomo NFT buying needs. So I am quite familiar with the platform. Once I installed the browser extension I was immediately pleased by the familiar Xverse user interface and user experience: slick, night mode, and functionality without complication. I appreciate the cohesiveness between the mobile and desktop versions, its efficient.

One of the things that I like about the Xverse wallet is the ability to view your NFTs within the application, as opposed to having to go to Gamma or Tradeport to view them. This is an "icing on the cake" function for the desktop that just hadn't existed for me prior to downloading this app.


The ability to stack your STX to earn BTC via Xverse mobile has always been one of my favorite features of the Xverse wallet, and I am happy to report that now you can do it from your desktop as well. Stacking is one of the features that is unique to STX due to Stacks proof of transfer consensus mechanism, and in my opinion it will be the way by which Xverse can capture huge market share when the rest of crypto discovers Stacks. No other coin allows the user to earn Bitcoin in this way, and the fact that Xverse enables this feature from the wallet? Gamechanger.

Right now through Xverse you can stack STX for an estimated 9.1% APY risk free. I have spoken before about the market for more conservative options to earn yield on crypto investments. I truly believe that conservative investors will be elated to get such returns, and even the degen in me appreciates the chance to get yield on profits without worrying about losing my deposit.

The Takeaways:

The public beta testing for the Xverse desktop version begins on December 8, 2022. If you don't already follow Xverse on Twitter or Discord, do it. The Xverse team is amazing, and consist of some of my earliest friends in the Stacks ecosystem.

The desktop extension works seamlessly, and immediately synced up with my primary STX address.

The functionality and features that Xverse brings to the table sets a high bar, and presents the new STX user with an impressive experience. It is indeed a great way for a new user to obtain a good impression of a great ecosystem.

I would like to thank the Xverse team for giving me the opportunity to give the desktop wallet a test drive. You all did a great job and set a high bar for all of the builders within the Stacks ecosystem to reach for. With teams like Xverse working this hard during the bear, you simply cannot be anything but bullish on Stacks.

Bear markets aren't any fun, but they are a great time for serious builders to work on their projects. When the euphoria returns to the market Xverse, and many of the other amazing teams on Stacks will be ready to purple pill the masses. I am here for this, and so are you. Keep learning, building, and growing with the knowledge that we in fact are going to make it.

In closing I would also like to thank you all for reading, as always it is greatly appreciated. I don't have anything else to say for now. Until next time, Jack.

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