jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
May 10, 2022
8 min read

I'm Tired of Clown World

I'm Tired of Clown World

If you are reading this on the date of publish I do not need to discuss the shape of the world. You know it already. Twenty-two TRILLION dollars wiped out in Net Household income. It is all a scam bro's. Look at what just happened in bitcoin, I am not ready to say what I think happened, I have no special insight into this, just a hunch. It wasn't accidental misfortune. A lot of people were liquidated these past few months, into what appears to be further adoption of Bitcoin. A brutal utilization of the market to let the rats who stole our wealth make their final exit....some of that going into Bitcoin.

Bitcoin has always been the chance to even the playing field, that is why politicians are told what to say about it. Most of these people are not especially bright. (by the way it gives me great pleasure to be able to say that Elizabeth Warren is a fraud, and no one can stop it) that is the power of Bitcoin.

Censorship, distraction, manufactured rage: all of these things have been used for longer than we truly realize to make us second class citizens. That cycle is coming to the end, the problem is that it cannot end without a lot of truth being revealed.

Consider this: Remember when you were a child and you did something bad, like broke a dish on accident. You could hide it for so long, but not forever. That was just an innocent thing. Odds are your parents weren't going to be mad at you, but the fear motivated you to lie. Fear makes people do all sorts of stupid things.

Now what if you did something bad on purpose? Everything changes, your lies grow, this can become almost like a malignant cancer inside of you. This is different, we are dealing with a more serious problem now.

Now consider if as an adult you are not just a thief, and a liar, but also a murderer? How much worse would it be? That is what we are dealing with, except on a scale so massive that the human mind cannot truly comprehend at the individual level. That is where we are.

Drop the Programming

Some people will never wake up, they are NPCs. If you are reading this you are aware that something isn't right. Dropping the program means freeing yourself from the bondage of your bias. Make sure you are truly being open minded. Try to be aware if the decisions that you make are motivated by fear. Pay attention, and most important of all try to operate out of love.

Until next time, Jack.

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