jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
November 13, 2022
8 min read

We Don't Need You

We Don't Need You

This week will surely usher in a legion of talking heads and politicians pushing for crypto regulation via the mainstream media outlets. Normies will be told that this is just proof that their already existing bias, created by the same media, was right all along and that this crypto stuff is bad. Its as frustrating as it is exhausting.

Worry about yourself normie

Seriously. Unlike when tradfi shits the bed, this FTX matter isn't going to affect you in any way. There will be no bailouts with taxpayer money. No one in crypto is "too big to fail".

With that in mind, we don't care what you think. Mind your own business, you have bigger things to worry about. Seriously, have you checked your 401k recently? How is your health holding up these days? Your family ok? Kids learning in school? Does your elected representative exhibit clinical signs of brain damage or dementia? Seriously, if you want to worry about something start with any of the above listed selections. Once you have all of them solved, then you can still go mind your own business. Savvy?

Understand that this FTX debacle is only being thrust into your consciousness so that the people who do worry about crypto can regulate it. That's it normie. You are merely being used as a sucker in a game where politicians and bureaucrats can manufacture consent to regulate an industry that they deem a threat...to themselves.

If crypto is no threat to you, the normie, then why would it be a threat to politicians and bureaucrats? Glad you asked, there may be hope for you yet.

Crypto is freedom

It is literally that simple. Perhaps you have heard of central bank digital currency, aka CBDCs? There are over 105 countries currently in various stages of creating their own digital fiat currencies. They are literally using crypto currency tech to make their own government money, with the ultimate goal to eliminate cash.

This is the part where you stop and ask yourself if crypto is so bad, then why are so many governments trying to make their own?

The fact is that decentralized crypto currencies such as Bitcoin can do everything that fiat does, except better. So if the US government, which is working on its own CBDC, can recognize the advantages of Bitcoin then why don't they just use it? The answer to this question anon is quite simple, it would eliminate the need of the central banking cartel. If you don't know about that, then I suggest you learn. Central banks are the reason you work harder for less buying power. This is a much bigger problem for you than crypto that you do not own. Weird how the media doesn't talk about it huh.

CBDCs will allow for complete control of a population and immediately render citizens into subjects. The Bill of Rights will mean nothing for the citizen who does something that the government doesn't like, because CBDCs allow for full government control of buying and selling. If you don't believe me, then just read about how they are currently being used in China.

Crypto, as it exist today, would allow citizens the opportunity to opt out of the CBDC system. That would not only render government attempts of complete control futile, but would eventually lead to the end of the Federal Reserve. This is why you are all of a sudden supposed to care about crypto. Little did you know that a bunch of crypto degens are in effect acting as a barrier between the government and your freedom.

FTX is not crypto

FTX is a centralized exchange that came to prominence a couple of years ago, literally out of nowhere. Recent revelations about its practices and activity have many in the know casting a jaundiced eye at its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried. At the time of this publication it appears very likely that FTX was used to launder US taxpayer money to the Ukraine and back to politicians. SBF had been quite busy leading the way in lobbying for crypto regulations that would benefit his business model while literally stealing from his depositors. Many of these same politicians who will be screaming for regulation in the coming days are also complicit in this scheme. Now they are trying to make you complicit.

Look, I know crypto has a big learning curve. That said remaining ignorant in the face of everything going on is most certainly not a virtue. To say that FTX/SBF is crypto would be like saying that Bernie Madoff is trad-fi (although one of these is closer to the truth than the other). Exchanges like FTX truthfully do not even need to exist in order for crypto to function. This is simply another example of not letting a tragedy go to waste in the ongoing effort to remove freedoms from individuals. If you take anything away from this, let it be the understanding that decentralization means empowering the individual at the expense of centralized authorities.

Do us a favor

Look, we want you here. Seriously, learning about Bitcoin, smart contracts, and Web3 is equally fascinating and exciting. The potential to change the world into a better place is here, and we want you to be a part of it. However, if the extent of your participation in crypto is that of the useful idiot who parrots talking points? You're NGMI. You will wind up using crypto in the form of CBDCs and at that point you will finally learn about Bitcoin out of necessity. We already know the score, and will continue our work come hell or high water. That is to say that you need us more than we need you. So either lead, follow, or get out of the way.

That's all I have to say for now. Until next time, Jack.

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