jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
May 03, 2022
8 min read

The Beginning

The Beginning

I am a product of what I like to call "The Golden Age of Blogging". From the early 2000's until the ultimate takeover of the internet by social media; the vast majority of my internet consumption consisted of voraciously reading this new medium. Being able to be a content provider heading into Web3 certainly feels like a good compliment to this chapter of my life. You can call me Jack.

Jack Binswitch is my internet alter-ego, this name was chosen several years ago when I decided that it was a sufficient answer to the question "If I had a pen name, what would it be?". I am a "young" Gen-x'er, barely made the cut. So while I did get the benefits of growing up in the '90's, (amazing music, analog childhood/digital adulthood) I was still a on the outskirts of the bulk of the culture. I am ok with this. In fact, I wouldn't change a thing.

I come from a working class town. My Dad was an incredibly smart man, despite having no formal education, and we lived a comfortable middle class life that I am thankful for. As an adult, I have lived through some things that break some people. Natural disaster, life changing injury, divorce, fun things like that. I currently spend half of my life selling my time to whatever hospital needs help. I'm a nurse. For reasons we will get into later, I was drawn into the critical care side of things. I'm good at my job, and I hate the healthcare system. More about that later.

I have kids. Being a dad is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I have a wife, she is my soulmate ( yes, they exist you cynical bastards). If I owned all of my time, I would spend it all with them. Fatherhood/manhood/family will be a topic I inevitably cover extensively.

In 2017 I discovered crypto, the how and why is a great story that I will tell. I promise. I like to trade. I love what crypto is, the idea of crypto. A lot of content will be dedicated towards this subject. It is just something that I am passionate about.

I am a Christian. I am not here to preach to you. I believe that people are called to Christ. If someone doesn't hear the call, or isn't called that is ok with me. I don't have any problems with anyone's belief system, and I respect other people of faith. Jesus said that loving people is almost as important as loving God. I try my best to live that, its hard, and I promise you I will continue to fail. That said, I genuinely care about people. This world needs a lot less fear and a lot more love in it.

So, what to write about? I am working on that. The plan is to have certain content on designated days. I also would like to feature guest content at least weekly. I have some really cool mutuals on twitter, my favorite bloggers, etc. I would also like to feature Stacks projects. So devs, marketing guys, we could maybe do Q&A's. I don't know. Sorting this out is my top priority.

Anyway, thanks for reading. This is actually my first ever blog post. The fact that it is a part of Bitcoin. Its an honor. Until next time, Jack.

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