jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
June 01, 2022
8 min read

Excuses, Entitlement, and Confidence

Excuses, Entitlement, and Confidence

I find myself to be highly critical of young women who believe that their looks and access to their body is enough. Critical might be the wrong word, its actually quite tragic, for a variety of reasons. That said, you should know by now that I do not spend time writing critiques on how women need to be better. There are enough women far more qualified to do that, and we will leave that to them. I am more interested in this cultures failure of masculinity, and how we can go about correcting it.

No respect

There are few things that will earn my disrespect quicker than excuses, and entitlement. Excuses are a top contender for being the most useless thing on the Planet, right up there with mosquitos I suppose. When you mess up, own it. Nothing else needs to be said about this. If excuses and mosquitos are the top two most worthless things, then I would argue that entitlement is solidly in third place. For a short period of your life it is understood that your parents are responsible for your health and wellbeing. If you are lucky you had good parents that did their best, many are not so lucky. Life has taught me that you can find the entitled amongst both groups. Men with good parents who cannot get the tit out of their mouths, and men with bad parents who now believe the world owes them what they were deprived of. No matter what the cause may be, entitled people ultimately have harder lives whilst making other peoples lives more difficult. Entitlement is poison to the spirit. When you feel that you are owed something, that is the time to check your state of mind.

You know this guy

You ever see the guy just constantly complaining about how inferior women are? How stupid and shallow they are for not immediately being struck with ungovernable lust at the sight of him? The fact that he doesn't have a legion of 10's beating down his door is because women have unrealistic standards, etc. Funny enough I see this guy online much more than I do in the real world. I suspect that this is because this guy knows deep in his soul that this is some weak shit he is spouting. You have to get past the superficial with someone to get them comfortable enough to try to sell this line of bullshit. Online is a completely different story. This was one of the first things I learned about the internet: people can get intimate at an accelerated pace when they are anonymous/pseudo anonymous. This is why I think we see so much weak shit on the internet honestly, but I digress.

What do you bring to the table?

That is the question you need to ask yourself if you are unhappy with your involuntary celibacy, or bad relationship. What makes you desirable? Just being "a good guy" doesn't cut it, largely because being a "good guy" doesn't really mean anything. How can you measure this? You can't. You are a human, so objectively speaking you have failings. This isn't your fault, its the nature of our reality. The reason utopia doesn't exist is because humans would mess it up.

Now, lets pause for a second and get some perspective on another pitfall. This is not the time to start beating yourself up, often we will be unfairly harsh on ourselves. Be mindful. Yes, there are things that you need to work on, and that is to expected. We will often tell ourselves very harsh things that we would never dream of telling someone else. Give yourself some grace.

I cannot tell you what self improvement that you need to embark on. I can only tell you that self improvement is necessary. If you aren't satisfied with yourself or your dating options, you need to put some work in. I can however give you a life hack that will work no matter what your situation is.

Get confident

Do not mistake confidence with false bravado. Fake confidence is rife in society, and it comes in 4th as the most useless thing on the Planet. For example, it isn't hard to find a man who doesn't think he is a great fighter, world class weightlifter, smartest guy in the room. There are guys who fit that bill, but you will never hear them bragging about it. Real confidence comes from facing adversity. Becoming a great fighter means hours of practice and sparring; literal blood, sweat, and tears. Being a world class weightlifter comes from hours in the gym, and a lifestyle dedicated to eating right and getting proper sleep. Pushing yourself through hard things gives you confidence. Nothing else. So if you find yourself lacking confidence then it is time to find yourself some adversity (this part is easy, if you live long enough life will give you more adversity than you ever could want). Find a challenge, outside of a video game, and get to work. You won't regret it. That's all I have to say for now, as always thanks for reading. Until next time, Jack.

The NFT featured in this piece is #32 from the Mars Woman Collection.

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