jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
August 20, 2022
8 min read

Moving the Needle

Moving the Needle

I don't think its a secret that I have a passion for Stacks/Bitcoin/Crypto. This is largely driven by my belief that Bitcoin will change the world for the better. Every new technology that provides decentralization to the people removes just that much power from the State. In short my obsession with crypto stems from my belief that people should be free. History shows us that governments grow at the expense of people's freedom by default, and we see this playing out in real time. As more people learn that we do not need to depend on these systems that we have grown reliant upon they will discover "The Why" of Bitcoin and then learn the why of Stacks. This responsibility falls on all of us. As governments ratchet up their attempts to control crypto, we must rise to the occasion to help educate our no-coiner and neophyte friends.

The reason why I write so much content focused on Stacks projects is my attempt to help spread the word about all of the innovation going on in our little corner of social media. My hope is that by doing so I am not only providing teams with some extra publicity, but that I am primarily educating new people as they enter the ecosystem. Once they find this blog they all of a sudden have a series of articles to learn about various projects. I will continue to do this, as I truly love this work.

Let's move the needle

With this in mind I have an announcement to make. I have been trying to figure out a way to move the needle for Stacks, as well as in my own life. I am launching a service, and I want to get some feedback from teams and the community on this.

The genesis of the idea is to provide teams with a cost effective and time saving way to manage their communication with their communities. For any interested team I could host their own Sigle blog to utilize as a platform for announcements, product updates, team interviews, newsletters, etc. Regular communication keeps people engaged, and as we crypto vets know communities love to be kept in the loop (not saying we are an impatient lot, but we are). For me this represents an opportunity to further scale down my irl working hours and focus more on my passion. This also helps move the needle for Sigle, and this is a worthy goal in and of itself.

As of now my goal is to work with 10 teams, as of now I have one team who is ready to roll. The first ten teams would get what would ultimately be the biggest service package for the most inexpensive price. In terms of packaging and services, these are details that I am still working on. The reason for this announcement is to get feedback from the community, as I want this to be as good as it possibly can be for all involved.

So let me know what you think about this idea, definitely looking forward to your feedback. In the meantime I will continue to do what I do. With that in mind be on the lookout for features from Satoshibles, Jamil with Gamma, Theopetra, and an upcoming artist profile on 3hunnatheartist/

Thanks as always for reading, until next time. Jack.

*The easiest way to DCA your Stacks here

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