jackbinswitch.btc | Blog
November 18, 2022
8 min read

A Milestone Approaching, Opportunity Awaits

A Milestone Approaching, Opportunity Awaits

One of the bigger lessons I have learned in life is that sometimes you just have to embrace the suck and grind through it. There have been many times in my life where circumstances were bad, and I learned that either I could be a victim or steel my resolve. I believe this has usefulness on the individual scale as well as the macro scale.

If you are in crypto right now, you have these same choices. Very few people are paying attention to the markets. The uncertainty is high, many have suffered losses and capitulated as a result. The bad news is that the real capitulation potentially hasn't happened yet. The silver lining is that for those of us who steel our resolve, the opportunity is great and could potentially get better.

This piece is for the latter group. You are my people. Keep grinding, pay attention (there are great prices to be found, I picked up some sweet NFTs today), and with some intelligent moves you will find yourself in an enviable position once the bull market returns. Pay attention to the builders, this ecosystem is young and full of promise. Keep learning, keep building, keep growing. With that in mind, lets switch focus here for a bit.

Want to write?

This blog is about to reach a milestone that seemed incomprehensible when I first started it. The publication of this article will more than likely push my total visitors to this blog over the 5,000 mark. In the scheme of things, this is of course a humble number. That said, perspective is in order. This is a niche blog on a new platform that is a part of a small Web3 ecosystem. It was started in a bear market when I had 1/2 of the Twitter followers that I have now. The point of course is not to humble brag, but to demonstrate my earlier point about embracing the suck and grinding.

With that in mind, I want to celebrate this milestone by paying it forward. When I hit 1,000 visitors on July 24, 2022 I celebrated by randomly giving away one of my Sigle Explorers. This time around, I want to do something a bit more focused.

Respecting the Hustle

If you want to write on Sigle, nothing is stopping you. However, to get the full suite of features you will need an Explorer. If you cannot swing an Explorer, I want to help you. So here is the plan:

The first step is to write an essay on how having this Explorer would benefit you. You can just send it to me via DM if you like. Then make a Sigle blog, and commit to writing two post per week. During this process if you want any help with editing, ideas, etc. feel free to let me know. Once you publish your articles, just hit me up so I can check them out. We will do this for 6 weeks, so that is 12 total articles. At the end of the 6 weeks someone will get an Explorer.

The initial essay should be no less than 800 words, and the subsequent blogs should be 800-1500 words. The topics can be whatever you like.

During this time, I will do my best to mentor and guide you to the extent that you want me to and within my ability. Understand that I can really only teach you what I have done, but hopefully there will be some useful information that you can use to grow your own blog.

The ideal participant obviously should want to write, and not be able to afford the cost of an Explorer. So if this interest you, reach out to me and lets get started.

Looking Ahead

My next goal with this blog is to exceed 10k visitors and 20k views by December 31,2022. This will be a grind, as crypto engagement is pretty dire at the moment, and I am currently challenging myself in some new ways within the Stacks ecosystem. I will also be launching a new Sigle blog in the coming months, unrelated to Stacks but potentially huge for Sigle (stay tuned).

If you haven't voted for the Stacks 2.1 upgrade yet, it is important that you do so. If this sounds like Greek to you start here, and then go follow Hero Gamer. This is an important update for Stacks, and your voice matters.

In closing I would be remiss if I didn't thank you all for your continued support. One of the lessons I learned pretty early on in my crypto journey is that community matters. It is no surprise then to understand why I consistently point out how great the Stacks Community is. Thank you for being so awesome, we are most certainly going to make it.

I don't really have anything else to say right now, thanks for reading. Lets keep building, embracing the suck, and emerging victorious in the future. Until next time, Jack.

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